Our New and Improved “Build Your Page” Feature

Main page for users to sign in or create an account with Linq

We’re excited to introduce you to our new and improved “Build Your Page” and how you can take advantage of this feature for your networking needs. The latest update features a new look that’s more user-friendly, so you can start building or updating your personal webpage today. We’ll take a closer peek at what these additions are and how you can use them.

Getting Started

If you’re new to the Linq app, creating an account is easy! Simply download and install the app on your phone. Once completed, select Get Started to begin creating your profile.

Insert your name, phone number, and email to continue to the next step. You can edit this later if you need to.

A screenshot of the “Get Started” page for new Linq users

Upload a picture that you want to be displayed on your profile. You can also skip this step if needs be and simply add one later.

An image of the “Profile Picture” page where the user can upload a picture to be displayed
The next page lets you add information about yourself. This is what you want visitors to see. You can add your job title, your organization, and the location of your business. Alternatively, you can skip this step and come back to it in your account settings when you’re ready.
 A picture of Linq’s “About Me” page where the user may include details about their job title, organization, and location

Add Content

After creating your account or logging in, you'll be taken to your page that looks like the following:

A screenshot of a user’s profile account on the Linq app

Here you can add, edit, and organize your content much like before. If you haven’t already, go ahead and add some content to your profile by selecting the blue Add Content button near the top of your screen.

On the next page shown below, you can add links, social icons, buttons, videos, and more to your profile. For greater customizability, and to access all available content, you’ll need to unlock Linq Pro.

A picture demonstrating the different types of content a user can add to their profile

Once you’ve added some content to your page, it’s time to edit it.

What’s New?

After setting up your account and adding some content, you may want to customize it a bit further. As part of our newest update, we’ve included some features that will help you create a sleek-looking profile.

Customizable Links

Not only have we simplified how you customize your profile, but now you can add some style and personality to it. Find and select the Edit link next to your Links content, and you’ll see options to insert an image or change the color of your buttons and links.

Screenshot of the Links tile

Screenshot of the Links tile color palette

Color and images are a great way to liven up your profile and show personality to your clients. It’s also an easy way to direct them to the links you want them to select. If you wish to add a custom color to your links, you’ll also need to unlock Linq Pro. However, you are welcome to choose from the free colors listed by default.

Customizable Page

Much like how you can customize your links, you can also customize your page by uploading images, changing your page settings, updating your page info, and adding color for your page content if you’ve unlocked Linq Pro.

An image of the “Edit Page” on a user’s account on the Linq app

Placement of Save and Discard Buttons

We made it easier for you to find the Save Changes and Discard buttons by placing them at the bottom of the tile you wish to update or remove. We also updated their look, so you know what they are.

Screenshot of the Social Icons tile demonstrating the placement of the Save Changes and Discard buttons

Build Your Free Personal Webpage Like a Pro

Although we’ve changed and added a few things, the tools and resources you need to build your free personal website are all at your fingertips. Impress your clients like a professional with Linq.